Tag Archives: Life Experience

When People mock the Pain&Suffering of Others


This is one of the Reasons how/why Suicide-Culture is so popular:


This is how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Those whom’re merciless won’t be mercified.”.(an-Nawawī) What they did to That-Woman was indeed merciless. May Allah protect us from this. This is a Serious-Tadhkirah/Reminder, that everyone’s Hardships has Usūl/Origins. That’s how/why we should be cautious to not assume how/why Others are downtrodden.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Whomever believes in Allah & the Last-Day, they must speak Good or be silent.”…”Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”.


People are often never whom you think they are. Most-People aren’t Socially-Transparent. Because of This-Fact, there’s many whom aren’t very willing to share whom they really are, and/or what they’ve experienced via Life. Lots of Persons are apprehensive, because they’re afraid of Judgmentalism. They fear being ridiculed, mocked, alienated, etc. as per their Human-Experiences. And, those amongst us whom’re Judgmental-Persons are definitely the Blame/Fault, for their Anxieties, regarding their unwillingness to be vulnerable (so that Others can support&help them when they suffer).


In 2021 a Friend of mine had informed me, of a Social-Media Personality whom authored a Direct/Overt Pro-Suicide Note (via their Instagram-Page). The Post literally got almost 1/2-Million Likes. Yet, ironically, probably less than 💯-People actually attempted to reach-out to that Same-Person…they killed themselves. They committed Suicide, because their Last/Desperate-Cry for Help was ignored&dismissed, simply viewed as just Another-Person’s Social-Media Rant. This is precisely how/why I always tell People: “Apathy is worse than Ignorance.”. Not caring is worse than not knowing. And, this is how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated what I’ve aforementioned.

When People allow it to be known that they’re Suicidal, they want Others to listen, to be empathetic, to be supportive, etc. To be more accurate/honest, as per anyone whom is Suicidal generally, regardless of whether or not a Suicidal-Person discloses their Suicidal-Behavior: they don’t actually want to die…they want their suffering to die. It’s just that ash-Shaytān/Satan is extraordinarily sinister when it comes to luring Humanity to Self-Ruin (as is mentioned via The Qur’ān: Chpt.114). And, Persons lead themselves to believe (via the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān) that the Only-Way to end their Suffering is to end themselves. Such is the Case, pertaining to one of the Companions of Muhammad whom killed themselves during the Lifetime of Muhammad via al-Madīnah. It’s documented via the Musnad of Muslim (Sahīh-Muslim), in Kitāb-il-Īmān (Book/Chapter-Of-Faith), narrated by at-Tufayl ibn-`Amr ad-Dawsī (May Allah be pleased with them).

The Suicide-Scenario of that Social-Media Personality literally reminds me of Countless-Times, which I’ve counseled People regarding their Suicidal-Contemplations/Urges (as well as their Suicidal-Attempts). I’ve even been faced with being told In-Person by Several-People that they’d kill themselves (right in my Presence). I’ve literally had to physically stop People from trying to kill themselves. And, Those-Experiences still affect me greatly till This-Day & will remain with me as long as I live. Clearly, Allah was with me & They empowered me to save the Lives of Countless-Persons via my Work (even prior to Chaplaincy I’ve been a Suicide-Awareness/Prevention Advocate since 2010, C.E.). But, This-Work isn’t without Stress&Toil as I’ve already indicated. Engaging anyone, not knowing whether they’ll actually proceed via Self-Harm, Suicide, Murder, Murder-Suicide, etc. is a Psycho-Emotional Rollercoaster…it encompasses one’s Entire-Focus & is more often than not extremely challenging.

For anyone familiar with the Series “13 Reasons Why”, chronicling the Reasons how/why a Person resorted to Suicide…I as a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist) can honestly say: I’ve literally witnessed/observed All-13 of the Reasons detailed, as per how/why the Character via the Series ended-up actually committing Suicide. It’s utterly frightening to know that everything negative one’s seen via TV, Film, etc. has been Things they’ve experinced observationally via Real-Life. This is what gives Truth/Honesty to the Popular-Saying: “Art imitates Life.”. Moreover, amongst the Worst-Feelings in the World is when one finds-out someone they respect, care about, love, etc. committed Suicide & they ignored any/all Suicidal-Indicators, which if taken seriously could’ve potentially saved someone’s Life. That Type/Kind of Guilt, by default, has even been known to drive even More-People to become Suicidal-Persons themselves.


My Conclusion: Empathy has become a Unicorn-Characteristic. We live in such an Apathetic-World, where we as Humanity (via our Modern-World) make any/every `Udhr/Excuse to turn Tragedy into Comedy. Empathy does in fact go a Long-Way. It’s not some Fake-Woke Concept: Allah Themselves has the Name Ar-Rafīq/The Ultimate-Empath…this should most definitely teach us something valuable. Each & all of us (especially as Muslims) must be People whom Others can rely upon to engage them via ar-Rahmah/Mercy & as-Sabr/Patience, as per any Life-Challenges which they may be facing via their Lives. The Fact that the Creator/Lord of the Universe is Anti-Apathy, it must/should drive us to rid ourselves of Apathy. As Muhammad had stated: “Allah says: ‘Oh, My Slaves: Verily, I’ve made Oppression forbidden upon Myself as well as between you. So, don’t oppress one another.”. And, this means that being an Apath is an Ithm/Sin via azh-Zhulm/Oppression by default.

Gareth Bryant