Tag Archives: Lesson

Nature proves that Allah is Real


Yūnus/Jonah (Peace be upon them) was sent, by Allah, to the People-Of-Nineveh. Yūnus refused to tread in the Land where Allah order them to go. As a Result, Allah tested/chastised Yūnus, while on a Vessel to go elsewhere-A Violent-Storm consumed the Ship whip Yūnus was sailing in…Typical-Shipwreck. While Stranded-At-Sea, a Hūt (Large Sea-Creature) engulfed Yūnus much like how the Persons via the Above-Video. It’s unknown, however, the Duration in which Yūnus was embedded via the Body of the Hūt. But, eventually, Yūnus was ejected by the Hūt & managed to be shored via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah. As a Direct-Result of such a Mu`jizah (Prophetic-Miracle): all amongst the People-Of-Nineveh decided to accept al-Islām…keep in Mind that this occured at least 3-Millennia ago.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.10, V.98; Chpt.37, V.139-148; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

Allah has revealed to us These-Narratives to show us Their Power over All-Things. It serves as an `Ibrah/Lesson, to direct us towards what to do & direct us away from what not to do. As well as detailing the Ajr/Reward for obeying Allah & the `Adhāb/Punishment for disobeying Allah.

But, how/why is this even important to revisit?!!!


There’s literally Certain-Persons whom’ll audaciously/arrogantly claim that Miraculoys-Events, such as what’s been detailed, are merely “Fables”, “Fantasy”, “Allegorical”, “Metaphorical”, etc. They reject the Reality of at-Tanzīl/Revelation from Allah. They dismiss the Reality of the Qasas/Stories of Former-Peoples, Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether), etc. Yet, ironically, if they witness it: either the Same-Way it occured via the Past, or on a Smaller-Scale, then they’ll believe it.


If/when something like the Qasas of Yūnus is ever mentioned: there’s Certain-Persons whom would dare question: “How do you know that happened?!!!”…”Did you see it?!!!”…”Were you there?!!!”…”Where’s your Evidence?!!!”…etc. Simply making Excuses, Pseudo-Justifications, etc. to deny/reject what Allah has revealed. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”.

Gareth Bryant



The Fagradalsfjall-Volcano, Iceland

“Verily, for the Intelligent: there’s Signs via the the Creation of the Heavens&Earth as well as the Separation of Nite&Day.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.190)

Observing the Natural-Environment of the Arabian-Peninsula: it’s easy to see how/why when Allah mentions Specific-Things (via at-Tanzīl/Revelation) that they struck the Minds&Hearts of the Companions of Muhammad so sussinctly. Watching Videos like this…it makes Sense how/why Allah is so descriptive when it comes to detailing an-Nār/the Fire. Whenever I see Videos about Volcanoes&Lava-Lakes: I’m immediately finding myself imagining what the Torture of the Nār of al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter must be. As well, it motivates me to continuously seek Protection with Allah from Jahannam/Hell.

It’s literally as though Allah purposely placed Volcanoes&Lava-Lakes in the Arabian-Peninsula, so that when Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah (Peace be upon them) received at-Tanzīl: they had a Real-Life/Real-Time Simulation, of what to teach their Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether), of what People can/should expect to be their Infinite-Abode if they use their Mashī’ah/Freewill to adhere to anything other than al-Islām. For anyone to dwell in any Environment containing Active Volcanoes/Lava-Lakes, to then be exposed to Revelation describing Hell which Volcanoes&Lava-Lakes existing in Ways whichvavtually mimic the Descriptions-Of-Hell: this captivated the Minds&Hearts of the Companions. This gave the Companions a Small-Window into how dreadful Life in Hell could possibly be.

This is actually how/why Allah revealed how Former-Peoples punished/destroyed via the Natural-Environment, Diseases, etc. because those’re Things which we constantly observe somehow/someway at all Times. Thunder, Winds, Rain, Volcanic-Eruptions, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Mudslides, etc.: these’re Occurances which manifest themselves constantly/consistently all across Earth. It’s impossible to avoid the Holistic-Observance of the aforementioned. (Sadly) because Today’s-Muslim is so/too far-removed from when The Qur’ān was revealed: we’re incapable/unwilling to even attempt to see Descriptions of the Natural-Environment via The Qur’an as Connections between the Natural-World & the Hereafter.

Gareth Bryant