Tag Archives: Islamic Authority

Exposing & attacking Linguistic-Islāmophobia: Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”


Allah states:

“They desire to extinguish the Light-Of-Allah via their Rhetoric. But, in spite of the Disbelievers hating it, Allah in stead perfects Their own Light.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32; Chpt.61, V.8)

The Psychology Of Islāmophobia

Islāmophobia, as is Ma`lūm/Mutawātir (Wellknown/Common-Knowledge), has existed amongst Humans ever since the People-Of-Noah. I’ll be specifically focusing on Islāmophobia relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān. My Focus is exclusively predicated upin how Islāmophobes attempt to “discredit” The Qur’ān. Albeit the Angle the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible” has taken an Islāmophobic-Approach which I’ve honestly never come across before.

The Islāmophobic-Angle which was taken is present in the Following Video-Short:

However, there’s a Serious-Problem:

a. Languages have always borrowed Concepts, Words, etc. from Other-Languages, ever since Humans began developing Various-Languages in the 1st-Place.

b. There’s almost no Human-Language which exists which hasn’t borriwed from Other-Languages.

b. Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, etc. are Sister/Semitic-Languages anyway.

Here’s the Real-Deal, regarding the Words claimed to be of “Non-Arabic Origin”

The Baseline-Argument, via the Aforementioned-Video is that The Qur’ān “borrowed” Non-Arabic Words of Non-Arabic Origins. And, by virtue of the Argunent posed via This-Video: this is their so-called “Proof” that The Qur’ān isn’t Real-Revelation from Allah. As was mentioned very clearly via the Video-Short: their Attempt was to “attack” the Truthfulness of The Qur’ān itself. This is done by claiming that The Qur’ān “isn’t 💯%-Arabic”. Their Claim, as is detailed via That-Video, is based on projecting that The Qur’ān “borrowed” Words from Other-Languages & that’s supposed to be “Proof” that The Qur’ān is “False”.

Fortunately, I know Arabic & can see rite thru da Sucka-Shit presented via This-Video

(Literally) all the Words mentioned via the Video are actually derived from the Arabic-Language directly (I can/will prove as such):

The Word “Iblīs” (a an Alternate-Name for ash-Shaytān/Satan) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Ablasa”, meaning: “To refuse”, “To rebel”, “To disobey”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Iblīs” is “borrowed” from the Greek-Word “Diablos”. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Injīl” (the Title of the Book-Of-Revelation imposed upon Jesus-Christ [Peace be upon them]) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Najala/Najila”, meaning: “To originate”, “To birth”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Injīl”comes from Greek. Such a Claim nothing less than Bogus. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Qur’ān” (the Title of the Book-Of-Revelation imposed upon Muhammad [Peace be upon them]) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Qara’a”, meaning “To read”, “To recite”, “To explore”, “To discover”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Qur,’ān” comes from Hebrew. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Tābūt” comes from the Arabic-Verb “Tāba”, meaning: “To refine” “To reform”, “To repent”, etc.  However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Tābūt” comes from Hebrew. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexixon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

The Video is very deliberate, as per attempting to incite ash-Shubhah/Doubt via the Sudūr (Minds/Hearts) of Muslims. A Classic/Typical-Tactic for Islāmophobes is, always, to theologically attack/bully Muslims who they either know or presume are More Islāmically-Ignorant than Islāmophobes. Also, as per Iconography/Imagery…notice how the Non-Muslim via This-Video has Arabic-Books in the Background. That’s a Classic/Typical Motif which they’ve literally borrowed from Muslims.

The Sabab/Reason for the “Arabic-Books in the Background” Motif

This-Motif is exclusively to project the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative, that whomever has “Arabic-Books” as their Background must of course be a “Religio-Academic/Schokar”, an “Islāmic-Authority”, etc. But, as All-Muslims of Moral-Intelligence know: this is 💯% Sucka-Shit. And, pitifully, there’s actually going to be Lame-Ass-Muslims whom take Islāmophobic-Clowns like the Person via This-Video seriously. Sadly, all it takes is for Some-Bozo to have the “Arabic-Books in the Background” Motif for Others to think/feel they must “submit” to their Pseudo Religio-Academic Authority.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims

Since These-Mothafuckas from “Exploring The Quran And The Bible” wanna try to “throw Shade” against al-Qur’ān: let’s then “explore” the Textual-Fallacies/Hypocrisies of Judeo-Christian Sources




There’s Specific-Things which’re Part of Judeo-Christianity which’re Islāmically-Classified as ash-Shirk/Association. For example: pontificating/claiming that Allah has Parents and/or Children…this is ash-Shirk by definition. Parents are imperfect, and Children must be constantly/consistently taught & reminded of Things. Children typically need their Parents for everything, while Parents rely upon their Children to care for them when they age. Parents can be & often are wrong about Lots of Things. Regardless of whether it’s a Figurative-Context or Literal-Context…it’s Islāmically-Intolerable/Unacceptable. There’s even Several-Texts via Judeo-Christian Sources (The Tanakh/Torah, The Bible, etc.) which pontificates/promotes ash-Shirk: Adam being called “Son of God” (Luke), Jacob/Israel being called “My 1st-Born” (Exodus), Angels being called “Children/Sons of God” (Job), David&Solomon being called “Sons of God” (Psalms&Chronicles I), etc. Ironically, even ash-Shaytān is classified as a “Child-Of-God”, because as per Judeo-Christianity ash-Shaytān is Religio-Classified as a “Fallen-Angel” & Angels are Religio-Classified via Judeo-Christianity as the “Children-Of-God”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.18&64; Chpt.9, V.30; Chpt.18 V.1-6; Chpt.112)

The Abrahamic-Fallacy

So, tell everyone you know about the Sucka-Shit pontificated/promoted via Islāmophobia at the Hands of “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”.

Gareth Bryant