Tag Archives: Groupism

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations


This-Person had the Audacity to call themselves authoring a “Refutation” against me, which made absolutely 0-Sense. And, even their Website which they titled “Islam’s Finest”: when they first made their Website they misspelled their own Website & had it spelled as “Islam’s Finiest”…Nigga how dare you “criticize” anyone & you suck at Spelling?!!!

The Following-Articles contains the Weak-Ass “Refutations” they called themselves authoring against me:

Responding to False Statement of Gareth Byant of Hearsay and claims that Shaykh Dr. Rabee ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee may Allah preserve him speaks ill of the Companions

Response to Gareth Bryant about Critizing Ameerulmumineen Umar and Dawatu As-Salafiya

I specifically remember having an Online-Argument with them, which literally predated the Articles aforementioned. Them & I had gone Back&Forth, concerning the Idiocy of as-Salafiyyah/Salafism:

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Then, someone whom we both know chimed-in on the Discussion & Abul-Barā’ literally along with Another-Clown named `Abd-al-Jabbār jointly threatened the Other-Person. But, guess what?!!! Neither of those 2-Mothafuckas ever threatened me, and they only threatened the Other-Person because they’re of a Different-Ethnicity & figured that the Other-Person wouldn’t give them any Smoke. But, clearly, since both Abul-Barā’ & `Abd-ul-Jabbār know my Hands work: they wouldn’t dare to “threaten” me. Moreover, anytime/everytime Abul-Barā’ &`Abd-ul-Jabbār had ever seen me via Real-Life, neither of them ever talked any of that “Tough-Shit” to me that they talked to the Other-Person via Online. This obviously confirms that they’re both Really-Pussy.

So, naturally, since called-out both Abal-Barā’ & `Abd-al-Jabbār for being Bullies&Cowards, that’s when the Sucka-Shit “Refutations” went underway. Even via the Articles which they authored themselves: I was even capable/able to debunk all of their Arguments via the Comment-Sections of both of their Cute Lil “Refutations” about me. Both of the “Refutations” deal with 2-Slanders they accused me of:

1. I was accused of “slandering” a Companion of Muhammad (Peace be upon them), based upon a Sex-Scandal which took place after the Death of Muhammad during the Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance of `Umar ibn-il-Khattāb (May Allah be pleased with them). As per the Accusation that I slandered a Companion: this was referring to a Companion by the Name of Nasr ibn-il-Hajjāj (May Allah be pleased with them), whom was banned from al-Madīnah becauze of their Good-Looks…literally because of their Good-Looks and for no Other-Reason. This was directly predicated upon the Amr/Order of `Umar ibn-il-Khattāb as the Khalīfah/Islāmic-Ruler of the Khilāfah/Islāmic-State. This was by far amongst the Most-Controversial Things `Umar ever did as a Khalīfah. Likewise, it was particularly unpopular. Even Nasr themselves wrote Poems (basically Dis-Tracks), against `Umar, for banning them from al-Madīnah & being treated unjustly via `Umar. The Dis-Track Poems were literally about `Umar pressuring Nasr to change their Appearance, resulting from how the Women of al-Madīnah desired them. Me, personally, I wouldn’t have listened to `Umar: I wouldn’t have done any of what they made Nasr do & I wouldn’t have left al-Madīnah. There’s 0-Way I would’ve let anyone change me, or evict me from anywhere, because I “look too good”…that’s Super-Wack: make that Goofy-Shit make Sense. Ironically, banning Nasr ibn-al-Hajjāj yielded Disasterous-Results. Nasr ibn-al-Hajjāj was banned from al-Madīnah, because it was feared that the Women of al-Madīnah would lust after them. However, that clearly wasn’t a Justified-Way to handle that Situation, because, Nasr themselves did nothing wrong. Nasr ibn-al-Hajjāj was forced to live in `Irāq via Basrah. They ended-up being a Guest of Mujāshah ibn-Mas`ūd: the Governor of Basrah. But, guess what happened?!!! Nasr ended-up Sneaky-Linking with the Wife of Mujāshah ibn-Mas`ūd & Mujāshah ended-up devorcing That-Woman & banning Nasr from Basrah. That literally wouldn’t have occured had Nasr not been unjustly kicked-out of al-Madīnah.
(ibn-ul-Jawzī, ibn-Shabbāh, al-Kharā`itī, ibn-ul-Qayyim)

2. I was accused of “slandering” the Progenitor of the Madkhalīs: the so-called Elites of as-Salafiyyah founded by Rabī` ibn-Hādī al-Madkhalī. Mu`āwiyah ibn-Sakhr: one of the Companions & one of the Foremost-Scholars of The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition…they were accused by Rabī` of not being as Islāmically-Knowledgeable as they truly were. Rabī` literally claimed Word4Word that Mu`āwiyah was never a Faqīh (Expert/Scholar of al-Fiqh/Religio-Legal Analysis). Meanwhile, ironically, `Abdullah ibn-`Abbās (May Allah be pleased with them): one of the Premier-Scholars amongst the Companions stated that Mu`āwiyah was in fact a Significant Person-Of-Knowledge…ibn-`Abbās literally called Mu`āwiyah a Faqīh. So…sumbody lyin & it damn sure wasn’t ibn-`Abbās. But, of course, by virture of Earl Allister, Jr. being a Madkhalī Dick-Rider: it’s really 0-Surprise that they’d jump out the Window to “defend” someone whom literally did precisely what they accused me of which was “reviling a Companion”.

Everything Earl Allister, Jr. accused me of was 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. And, the Only-Reason they came-out with these so-called “Refutations” was purely a Result of Desperation. They simply want to make a Name for themselves, via attacking someone whom knows as-Salafiyyah for the Bullshit that it truly is: it’s a Hizb/Religio-Sect no different inherently from any/all other Ahzāb/Religio-Sects. And this is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”. This is exactly what happens when you’re a Dick-Rider: you’ll end-up pursuing Ridiculoys Pseudo Witch-Hunts based on 0-Facts & All-Slander. Muhammad also foretold, that the Day-Of-Standing will be a Dark-Day for the Slanderer. And the Slanderer will have Flags placed next to them so all of al-Jinn/Fire-Beings & al-Insān/Humanity will know/find-out whom slandered Others via the Mundane. Furthermore, those whom slander will be made to forceit Portions of their Positive-Actions to those whom they slandered. But, if the Slanderer has no Positive-Actions to give then the Slanderer will be made to take on Portions of the Negative-Actions of those whom they slandered.
(al-Bukhārī; Muslim; at-Tirmidhī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.