Tag Archives: Disclosure

Everything is not for Display


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned us against being so hasty to reveal Good-News publicly, telling us…”…the Blessed are always envied.”.

This is precisely how/why we’re not supposed to disclose everything concerning our lives, because everyone isn’t happy for us. As is clearly seen, via the Aforementioned-Video: the Disney-Employee could’ve easily just let Those-People enjoy their Moment. But, of course, as per al-Hasad (Hateration/Envy): they fumbled their Moment…seemingly purposely. It most definitely seems as though the Employee was manifesting/exercising an Egotistical Power-Trip, to push whatever “Authority” the think/feel they had, to compensate for the Reality that they probably hold 0-Weight anywhere via the Real-World. It’s truly an Ego-Addiction which This-Person suffers from. Just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) taught us: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & disrespecting People.”.(an-Nawawī) There’s absolutely 0-Doubt that what they did to Those-People was utterly disrespectful.

Gareth Bryant