Tag Archives: Behavioral

How I view “Personality-Tests”


I’ve always been skeptical of “Personality-Tests”. Those Kinds/Types of Things always made me think/feel that its Motive were to psycho-emotionally pigeon-hole People into Psycho-Emotional Caste-Systems. It always gave me the Impression that Those-Tests imply that it’s impossible for People to alter or improve their Respective-Personalities.

I remember having a Dicussion with one of my Friends & they mentioned that Companies directly/overtly mandate “Personality-Tests” via Hiring-Processes & use them to either hire, not hire, fire People. I know for a Fact that’s Sucka-Shit. As long as a Person does their Job & doesn’t violate any Employment-Policies: who cares what Type/Kind of “Personality-Test” Results they’ve got?!!! Companies should actually get sued for this honestly.

Anyway…my Friend & myself talked at length, concerning these “Personality-Tests”. They suggested that I take a Tests via a Specific Website. I was very reluctant, because of my Immense-Mistrust/Distrust of “Personality-Tests”. Via my Vantage-Point: they’re really not as accurate/honest as is portrayed to be. As we go-on, you’ll see precisely what I mean.

I took the Liberty to actually concede & take the Test…I’ve taken “Personality-Tests” a Bunch of Times prior. It’s not that I think/feel the Tests are “Evil” or anything like that. Yet, at the Same-Time: the Tests are in fact Algorithim-Based. And, by virtue of that: Individual-Nuance is never taken into consideration, when answering the Test-Questions.

So, after taking the Test…here’s the Results & I’ll be conducting my Personal-Commentary Thereof:

Untruth/Dishonesty…I’m a True-Ambivert. I equally express myself & keep quite. I equally enjoy being around Others & enjoy my Alone-Time. I’m equally Outgoing & Solitary.

Untruth/Dishonesty…I’m equally just as observant as I am intuitive. In fact, I know surely that, I use Intuitiveness & Observation interchangeably: making both predicate the other as per my Decision-Making.

Untruth/Dishonesty…I definitely think more than I feel. I don’t consider myself a “Logical-Person” per say. However, I most definitely am a Critical-Thinker. I don’t leap into any Situation Heart-1st, rather I do so Mind-1st.

Untruth/Dishonesty…I’m equally just as detailed as I am sponteneous. I operate based upon the Moment just as much as having a Plan do do something. There’s Times when I’ve an A-To-B-Schedule & then there’s Times when I just randomly Get-Up&Go and let Things play-out however they play-out.

Truth/Honesty…This is the Only-Segment of the Test-Results which I can actually say is Slot-On. I’m definitely all of this totally.

So, the “Personality-Test” Results were predicated upon 5-Categories. The Fact that only 1/5 Category-Results were accurate/honest tells me everything I need to know: I clearly know me better than any Algorithim-Based “Personality-Test”. 1/5 isn’t a “Flex”. It clearly indicates that the “Test” is rigged, to have People think/feel they’re a Certain-Way which ironically 9/10 ain’t it.

What I’ll conclude with though is the following Self-Assessment: the Results did compel me to at least introspect to the plausibility of me “maybe” being exactly what the Results concluded. But…Nah: I know who I am & who I’m not. It was for the Record interesting to look at, observe, analyze, etc. Yet, moreover, we’re supposed to let our Innersope & Personal-Experiences assess/determine what our Personal-Character/Behavior actually is.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.