Tag Archives: Battle Of The Sexes

The War against Patriarchy is ðŸ’¯%-Reality




This Particular-Video (via Facebook) by the ACLU, it highlighted the “Abortion-Issue”…I’ve written extensively, regarding this. This-Issue, for Obvious-Reasons is very polarizing, divisive, etc. However, that’s really not what caught my Attention as per this Video…I’ll further explain later.

The “Abortion-Issue”:
















What truly caught me, watching the ACLU-Video, was when the Person via the Video pontificating/claiming that Patriarchy is one of the “Oppressive-Systems” which must be abolished. So, of course, me being me…I challenged the Fake-Woke Idiocy of That-Statement, with the following:

Explain how Patriarchy is an “Oppressive-System”…




Naturally, I became Earmarked for a Barrage of Fake-Woke Commentators…I’ll share the Exchanges between myself & someone named Michell Wood:

Michell Wood: Gareth Bryant a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. Now, in the same vein, explain how Jim Crow and Red-Lining are helpful to POC. …#I’llWait

Gareth Bryant: Michell Wood

a. That’s actually not the Definition of Patriarchy.

b. Fake-Wokers, such as yourself, always attempt to conflate Patriarchy & Misogyny as though they’re the same, when ironically they’re the Polar-Opposites of each other.

c. Jim-Crow & Redlining have 0 to do with Gendercentric-Issues & everything to do with al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia via Ethnocentrism, Colorism, White-Supremacy, etc.

d. Your Usage of “POC” proves that Persons like you are literally Part of the Problem: All-Humans are Melanated-Persons, because, All-Humans produce Melanin. Melanin, of course, being a Bio-Genetic Byproduct of Pigmentation: the Human-Version of Chlorophyll. All-Humans produce Pigment…we’re all Pigmented-Beings. Every Human-Cell is pigmented by default…

Speaking of Basic-Biology, there’s only 2-Genders: Male & Female predicated upon Male-Sperm (XY/XX-Chromosomes). And, ironically, the Fact that Male-Gametes (Sperm) biologically determines Biological-Genders…that’s literally Patriarchy by default.

Moreover, just for the Hell of it:

a. “Female” literally comes from the Word “Male”…Patriarchy by default.

b. “Woman” literally comes from the Word “Man”…Patriarchy by default.

c. “She” literally comes from the Word “He”…Patriarchy by default.


Michell Wood: Gareth Bryant wrong yet again. That was from Oxford. Here is another from Cambridge: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/patriarchy

a society in which the oldest male is the leader of the family, or a society controlled by men in which they use their power to their own advantage:

You can have your own (jackass) opinion, but not your own definitions and facts.

Still waiting for your erudite treatise on how Jim Crow and Red-Lining are beneficial to POC…

Michelle Wood: Gareth Bryant you can be incredibly wrong all day long? Yup. No doubt. Yes, all people are pigmented…except for those individuals with acute albinism. …#BasicBiology.

Gender is a social construct. Sex is a biological designator. So bzzzzz! Incredibly wrong yet again.

Bzzzzz! The words male and female are not linked etymologicallly. Another …#GarethBryantFailsAgain.

Woman etymology: Look up the actual origins dumbass… #I’mboredwithyou

Origin of “she” is disputed. Again, more than a quick Wikipedia check will be helpful to you.



Gareth Bryant: Michell Wood Persons whom suffer from Albinism are still Melanated-Persons: Eye-Color, Skin-Color, Hair-Color, etc. are Pigmented & Albinos still produce Pigmentation which determines their Eye-Color, Skin-Color, Hair-Color. Albinos aren’t “Transparent”, or “Translucent”. So, Yeah: you still haven’t proven anything, other than how pathologically-ignorant you are concerning Basic-Biology.

Gareth Bryant: Michell Wood

Cambridge University Dictionary literally changed/altered their Definition/Interpretation of what a Man & Woman is. So, by default, as per This-Discussion: Cambridge University Dictionary isn’t trustworthy.


Gareth Bryant: Michell Wood


Etymology/Word-Origin: Middle-English from Old-English Wifman (Wif/Woman + Man). First Known-Usage Pre 12th-Century, C.E.

Michelle Wood: Gareth Bryant dude. Look it up. Albinism is a lack of pigmentation – with varying levels of acuity. Do some freaking research, you absolute muppet. Good thing you studied polysci and history 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣.

Gareth Bryant yes, I can Google, too…keep reading. It will get easier.

Gareth Bryant 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣. Sure. You get to decide that. Language evolves, dude. You are not qualified to determine that Cambridge magically no longer counts…wow. Thanks for the laugh.

Gareth Bryant: Michell Wood


a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex


either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures

the sum of the structural, functional, and sometimes behavioral characteristics of organisms that distinguish males and females

the state of being male or female


Michell Wood: Gareth Bryant yes, I know the difference between gender and sex. Reading comprehension is a bit of a challenge for you, isn’t it? It is a wonder that you managed to graduate. Didn’t your college teach critical thinking? Look up Bloom’s Taxonomy for a good starting place. You can improve your skills through remedial study. Have you talked to your doctor about the possibility of removing your head from your rectal cavity?

Needless to say…they literally didn’t care how incorrect they were, concerning not knowing Basic-Definitions of Concepts, Words, etc. which they think/feel they’ve Expertise about.

Then, someone else decided to get-in on the Action…Sandy Cook. I managed to get Some-Intel concerning them: they’re a Typical-Feminazi (Special-Force Version of Feminist).


After combing through their Writings, it’s abundantly-clear: they don’t actually want “Gender-Equality”. Rather, they & those like them are literally no different/better than any Misogynist. They’re Misandrists, whom (much like any Misogynist) wish to further perpetuate Gender-Wars between Men & Women.




They ended-up posting a (rather interesting yet simpish) Comment:

Sandy Cook: Gareth Bryant “When Men Rule(d) the World: Confessions of a Former Patriarchalist,” By: Andrew Bauman

So, apparently, This-Person known as Andrew Bauman is a Self-Admitted Social-Eunuch. So, of course I responded with the following:

Gareth Bryant: Sandy Cook

1. Gender-Determination via Male-Gametes (Sperm)…
…XY/XX: Patriarchy by default.

2. The Concept of Geneology: Patriarchy by default.

3. The Concept of Surnames/Last-Names: Patriarchy by default.

4. The Word “Woman” literally comes from the Word “Man”: Patriarchy by default.

5. The Word “Female” literally comes from the Word “Male”: Patriarchy by default.

6. Bruce Jenner was named “Woman Of The Year” via Time Magazine: that’s actually not even Patriarchy, but rather it’s Misogyny by default.

So, what’s actually your Point?!!!


Both Michelle Wood & Sandy Cook blocked me. 0-Surprise…as I always tell People: If they blocked you firstly, then you won the Argument. The Fact that they knew they couldn’t rebuttle anything I articulated: it’s truly revealing, as per what they pontificate/claim, which proves they represent nothing truthful or even honest for That-Matter. This is really the M.O. of Feminism&Feminists.

Gareth Bryant