The Plight of Muslim-Comedy


Anywhere/everywhere one turns, there’s Muslim-Entertainers making their Presence known to give Others Laughs. At the Same-Time though: the Muslim-Entertainer is very much challenged via Religio-Orthodoxy, Religio-Conservatism, Judgmentalism, etc. I’m specifically referring to the Muslim-Comedy Scene.

What’s a “Muslim-Comedian” anyway?!!!

It’s a Muslim whom does Comedy…#Duh Yeah…that was pretty straightforward obviously. Honestly, it doesn’t even matter which Type of Comedy one does…if you’re a Muslim doing Comedy then you’re a Muslim-Comic. Just like any Muslim who’s a Rapper for example…it doesn’t matter what one raps about: if you’re a Muslim who raps then you’re a Muslim-Rapper.

Depending upon whom one speaks with regarding Muslim-Comedy

a. They’ll either mention that it’s Totally-Mahrūm/Forbidden, “Imitation of the Kuffār (Disbelievers/Non-Muslims)”, etc.

b. You’ll also equally find those whom pontificate/claim that Muslim-Comedy should only be a Certain-Way, to ensure that al-Islām isn’t mocked via any Way.

c. Then, you’ll have Persons whom pontificate/claim that Comedy could only be something based upon al-Islām: Islāmic-Themes, Islāmic-Stories, etc.

d. Then, there’s Persons whom literally posture that al-Islām “bans” Laughter.

Now, let’s take a Look at as-Sakhriyyah/Comedy during the Lifetime of Muhammad (Peace be upon them)

There was a Famous/Infamous-Companion by the Name of an-Nu`aym ibn-`Amr AKA Himār (May Allah be pleased with them). Now, to give Context-“Himār” via Arabic literally means: “Donkey”, “Jackass”, “Asshole”, etc. They were nicknamed “Himār”, because they were a Known-Prankster & was always capable/able of making Muhammad laugh…an-Nu`aym was basically the Dave Chappelle of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether). However, also, an-Nu`aym was equally notorious for being a Khāmir/Substance-Abuser. And, Certain-Companions would mock an-Nu`aym (as per their Open-Sin). When Muhammad learned that this was being done, they immediately commanded the Companions to not mock an-Nu`aym concluding: “Verily, they love Allah & Their Messenger.”.
(al-Bukhārī; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

Ironically, that’s typical of a Comic’s-Life: being plagued via Substance-Abuse, Addiction of any Particular-Sort holistical, some Type/Kind of Trauma, etc. So, Comedy is used to aid them to help release & free themselves of their own Personal-Challenges. But, if that’s disallowed Religio-Socially to use Comedy to aid their Healing-Journey, it can and plausibly will give rise to Adverse-Effects which can be countless & incur Great-Harm.

Jest vs. Blasphemy

Clearly, there’s an Islāmically-Justified Lane to laugh, so long as al-Islām itself isn’t mocked. In Otherwords: as long as what’s being projected, expressed, etc. doesn’t seemingly disrect al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology, at-Tanzīl/Revelation, etc. But, of course, there’s Certain-Muslims who’ll go out of their Way to test the Islāmic-Hudūd/Limits of Things…completely Theologically-Dangerous for the Record. Equally, there’s Certain-Muslims whom’ll jump out thr Window to pontificate/claim the every Joke ever made is an Ithm/Sin…absolutely untruthful & dishonest by the way.

“Muslim-Comedy” vs. Corny-Shit

I’m not even going to lie: the Vast-Majority of Muslim-Comics whom attempt to “Keep It Halāl”, as per Comedy…their Material is Lame-As-Hell to put it kindly. They seriously must/need to do better. It’s literally like cooking Halāl-Meats without any Seasonings…da Fuck is Wrong wit y’all?!!! And, I get it…you want your Comedy to count as an Act-Of-`Ibādah/Worship to Allah…that’s a Noble-Niyyah/Motive. However, for some of these Muslim-Comics, I’m ptetty sure the Recording-Angels on our Right&Left-Sides look at each other like: “This is supposed to be ‘Halāl-Comedy huh’?!!! Bruh…just stop!!!”.

My Personal-Take on the “Muslim-Comedy” Genre

I’m going to use myself as an Example: I’m known for maming Others laugh. But, I’d never consider myself a “Comedian”: I just don’t have a Comedic-Personality…I’m Funny, but not Comical. So, a Comical-Career and/or a “Muslim-Comical” Career is something I always knew wasn’t for me. Now, as per Fellow-Muslims whom do “Muslim-Comedy”: if you’re going to do then be authentic to one’s Craft. Don’t allow yourselves to be Pigeon-Holed into being a “Muslim-Comic”-Be a True-Comic. Also, don’t be Corny. Meaning, don’t produce Jokes, Rouitines, Skits, Spoofs, etc. which’ll only appeal to Muslim-Audiences and/or water-down your own Material out Fear of being labeled a “Harāmī”.

Most importantly:

Don’t think that I’m attempting to call-out any particular/specific Muslim-Comedians for being Corny, or religio-condemning any particular/specific Muslim-Comedians for their Islāmically-Questionable Material.

Gareth Bryant

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