Islāmophobia via the “Animal-Cruelty” Fallacy


Islāmophobes will never address Things like this which Hindus do:

Animal-Rights Groups are amongst some of the Most-Islāmophobic Entities. Very often & consistently: Animal-Rights Organizations accuse Meat-Eaters, Muslims particularly, of committing “Cruelty to Animals”, as a Way to pontificate/promote Veganism for example. This-Article isn’t about Veganism though per say. But, it’s most definitely about how Muslims & Non-Muslims choose to misunderstand, misinterpret, etc. an-Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts. We’ll be exploring precisely what I mean.

A Classic-Text explaining the Religio-Textual Evolution of a Hukm/Islāmic-Judgment, thus established via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. It’s surrounding the Issue of Canines (Doglike-Animals). Now, there’s a Whole-Host of Ahkām/Islāmic-Rulings regarding Canines: keeping them as Guard-Dogs vs. Domestic-Pets, sharing Living-Space with Humans vs. making Separate Living-Spaces for Canines, etc. We won’t be delving into Those-Ahkām via This-Article.

What we’ll be doing is examining the Following Revelatory-Text via as-Sunnah/the Prophetic-Tradition of Muhammad (Peace be upon them):

As per this Revelatory-Text, it clearly displays & chronicles the Revelatory-Evolution which Allah summarily subjected The Qur’ān & the Sunnah to. Allah took Great-Considerations, allowing the Muslims (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān during the Lifetime of Muhammad) to grow & improve. Sadly, as per this Specific-Text: Most-Persons (Muslims & Non-Muslims alike) have only been given Access to the Initial-Piece of This-Text as per Killing Dogs and/or All-Black Canines. There’s literally Books which will conveniently never mention the Full-Extent of the Text I’ve posted via This-Article.

This causes Several Severe-Proplems:

a. It severely denies Persons the Opportunity to learn about the Evolution of Islāmic-Texts & Islāmic-Rulings.

b. It greatly limits the Authentic-Scope of one’s Appreciation for Revelatory/Textual-Evolution.

c. It makes Muslims look Dead-Ass Dumb.

This is precisely how/why having Extensive-Knowledge of Revelatory-Texts is so vital. It’s aids the Muslim against Islāmophobic-Arguments, such as the aforementioned, claiming that al-Islām supports “Animal-Cruelty”.

Gareth Bryant

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  1. Pingback: Debunking the ridiculously petty “Without Lies Islām dies” Mythos | Gareth Bryant

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