Revelatory-Mockery isn’t a “Flex”


Allah states: “And if you question them, they’ll reply: ‘We’re just joking&playing.’. Say: ‘Oh, so you’ve become amused by Allah, as well as Their Signs/Verses, as well as their Messenger huh?!!!’.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V65)

I was sent a Disturbing-Video, regarding someone who called-in on a Talk-Show. It’s seemingly-obvious, that the Caller had the Exclusive-Niyyah/Motive to attempt humiliating Another-Person. The Video actually speaks for itself.

The Video pertains to the Concept of the “12-Imāms”. This-Concept is exclusively an Inception/Invention of ash-Shī`iyyah/Shī`ism. It’s equally connected to Shī`ī-Interpretation/Misinterpretation of the Arrival of al-Mahdī/the Guided-One.

For More-Info. concerning al-Mahdī:

Fake-Wokeness via Mahdī-Frenzy Culture

Regardless of how one thinks/feels about Shī`ism, Shī`īs, etc. (from a Non-Shī`ī Lens)…to purposely “make-up” an Āyah/Verse from The Qur’ān is literally al-Kufr/Disbelief, via violating the Sanctity of the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān (Belief/Faith): AKA al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology. And, especially to try “proving a Point”: the Only-Thing which was proven is how ignorant, apathetic, arrogant, etc. the Caller was. Even how the T.V.-Host was referred to as a “Donkey”: how is that at all Islāmically-Correct?!!!

The Hypocritical-Irony is that Persons like them will literally pontificate/claim to be “Persons of the Sunnah”. Is this the Khuluq/Adab (Character/Behavior) of a “Person of the Sunnah”?!!! Is this from the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition of Muhammad (Peace be upon them)?!!!

Gareth Bryant

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