What Apathy looks like


I honestly was appalled, upon seeing this for myself. I know that there’s People who do this on a Regular. But, to just see it on Camera-The Person willing (at the Drop of a Dime) to hurt someone, just because there’s Money flashed in their Faces: I’m truly angered to have seen this. It truly shows, via Real-Time, how meaningless Certain-People view Human-Life. I really despise the Kind/Type of World we’ve allowed ourselves to mold, where Apathy is the Order of the Day. The World has always had Apathetic-Dimensions/Elements no Doubt. However, it wasn’t until I began my Life-Journey/Career via Chaplaincy, that I realized how commonplace Apathy actually is via the Human-Landscape.

Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”…Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Amongst the Worst-People to Allah are those whom killed someone whom didn’t even fight them back.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8; Ahmad)

May Allah curse the Oppressor. When People like them die as Non-Muslims I don’t even feel bad. This is precisely how/why I’ve 0-Trust for anyone whom loves Money: for the Rite-Price they’ll do anything/hurt anyone for it.

The Willingness to just hurt any Fellow-Human, for Material-Gain, potentially even ending their Lives, etc. is something which I’ve been exposed to my Entire-Life. Yet, I was still more hopeful that Humanity was better than that. Chaplaincy: learning the Reality of Human-Behavior opened my Eyes, in a very Real-Way. Additionally, Chaplaincy compelled me to further understand/comprehend & appreciate how Allah (via at-Tanzīl/Revelation) details the Nature-Of-Man more completely. Post-CPE/Clinical Pastoral Education I view Human-Beings significantly differently…for better or for worse. My Naivety has been completely shattered, ever since I’ve embarked upon Chaplaincy.

I mean, literally…without any 2nd-Thought, as though they exclusively functioned as a Wild-Beast ready to eliminate their Prey: 0-Humanity…💯% Animalistic-Instinct. This is precisely as Allah states that those whom aimlessly adhere to their Egos/Desires are enslaved to themselves & are like Unrelenting-Beasts.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43&44)

This Person is a Former Porn-Star…they’ve been interviewed Several-Times, regarding their Pornography Come-up. By their own Words: they were self-fueled via their own Ambitions to acquire Attention, Popularity, Fame, Monies, etc. It’s because they were so Intrapersonally-Empty that they were willing to do anything for anyone to achieve Fulfillment of their Introspective/Internal-Voids. They didn’t care what the Risks were, they didn’t care how damaging it’d be to themselves or their Human-Dignity, they didn’t care how embarrassing it’d be for their Loved-Ones, etc.

There’s Lots to be learned, via analyzing the Lives of Persons like those via these Video-Clips that I’ve posted.

Gareth Bryant

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