Islāmophobia via Veganism


Veganism has become a Dietary-Keeper of Fake-Wokeness. It’s been borrowed via Ancient Human-Civilizations like Hinduism, repackaged&comercialized via Capitalism, pontificated/promoted via “Animal-Rights” Activists, etc. However, albeit on the Surface Veganism doesn’t seem that bad: there’s very Problematic-Undertones which opposed at-Tanzīl/Revelation directly. These-Undertones can easily be traced-back to the Usūl/Origins of Darwinian-Evolution. According to Darwinists, their Pontification/Claim is that Humans “evolved” from Herbivorous-Primates via Africa. And, then eventually Humans “evolved” into Flesh-Eaters. That’s the True-Agenda behind Veganism being pushed by so many. It’s simply a Ploy, under the Guise of “Healthy-Eating”, to impose Atheism via Darwinism. Allah is very clear, concerning the Existential&Terrestrial-Usūl of al-Insān/Humanity.
(Chpt.7, V.172; Chpt.24, V.45; Chpt.32, V.8; Chpt.55; V.14)

(Literally) one of the Pro-Veganism Arguments is that Animal-Consumption is harmful for the Environment & damages Ecological-Sustainability. Well, check-out the the Aforementioned-Pic. Observe just how much Water (a Major Life-Source for All Terrestrial-Life on Earth) is uselessly wasted-No one rants&raves about how much Water is wasted via Alcohol-Production. It’s the Hypocrisy for me. Ironically, Muslims are overtly commanded to not waste anything…not even Water. But, of course, with Alcohol being “Vegan-Friendly”: it’s apparently not a Big-Deal to Vegans wasting a Natural-Resource, like Water, in order to produce Alcohol. Also, one of the Leading-Causes of Social-Ills (Broken-Families, Violence/Crime, Traffic-Accidents/Deaths, etc.) are in fact Substance-Abuse. So, it’s 0-Surprise how/why al-Islām prohibits al-Khamriyyah/Substance-Abuse. And just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “And avoid al-Khamr, for verily it’s a Key to All-Things Evil.” & `Uthmān ibn-`Affān (May Allah be pleased with them) stated: “al-Khamr/Intoxicating-Substances are the Mother of Debaucherous-Character/Behavior.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.219; Chpt.4, V.43; Chpt.5, V.90&91; Chpt.17, V.26&27; al-Bukhārī; Muslim; an-Nasā’ī; ibn-Mājah; at-Tabarānī; al-Bayhaqī; al-Barāzī; Shākir; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī; al-`Ajlūnī; al-Albānī)

Now, as per Basic-Intelligence, it’s never the Best-Option to make Animal-Products one’s Exclusive Food-Sources. I mean, Allah didn’t create Humans to be Carnivous-Beings. Especially depending upon Genetic-Factors, Holistic Health-Conditions, Familial Health-History, etc.: it’s literally probably a Better-Option for Certain-Person to resort to a Plant-Based Lifestyle. At the Same-Time, to completely divorce one’s Self of any/all Animal-Products for any Reason…that’s literally a Sifah/Manifestation of al-Kharajiyyah/Extremism by default. Allah commanded the Muslim to have&establish al-Wustā/Balance amongst Humanity.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.143)

Many-Years ago, I myself had at 1-Point actually considered Veganism. On the Surface it seemed like something worthwhile. But, then, as Allah would have it: I went to a Vegan-Restaurant that I’d often frequent via NYC & on their Menu it had “Tofu-Shrimp” (for those who know me I love All-Things Seafood). Upon seeing Fake-Shrimp on a Menu, I said to myself: “Fuck this Veganism-Shit!!!”. I never considered Veganism ever again after That-Day. It wasn’t until after that had occured that I was able to realize that Allah willed me to see the Idiocy via Veganism for what it really is. Why should anyone unjustly limit their own Dietary-Options, which’re ironically Islāmically-Supported via at-Tanzīl…make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

My Conclusion: Veganism is in fact a Personal-Choice. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me whether one chooses to be a Vegan. But, if/when Vegans accuse Non-Vegans of being oppressive to the Animal-Kingdom, for Meat-Consumption, that’s Stupidity.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

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