My Reddit-Adventures


I honestly never thought that I’d ever be active via Reddit. But, it’s happened. For those whom don’t know: Reddit is like a Open/Public-Forum Version of Twitter. There’s Discussion-Groups can be joined by People whom use the Reddit-Platform. At first, it seemed to complex/complicated for me to even entertain. But, then, as I began to see My Article-Writings shared in Reddit-Groups: it empowered me to give Reddit a Try.

I really enjoy the Reddit-Interaction…it greatly surprised me. And, the Best-Part is that it adds Traction to my Writing-Blog. That’s actually how/why I became so open to the Personal-Usage of Reddit. Basically, anything which I post via Reddit, it gets redirected to my Blogsite via those clicking the Article-Links I post via Reddit. And, of course, since I’ve the Reputation of authoring Controversial-Shit & Reddit is all about Trends, Controversies, etc. I definitely plan on using Reddit, to expand my Reach&Viewership via my Blog.

The Fact that there’s People via Reddit who’ve actually read any of my Blog-Writings is honestly quite encouraging. It’s just Another-Reason for me to continue writing as I do. Writing is something which has greatly helped me, as a Person & I equally know for a Fact that my Writing is meaningful to Others.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

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