al-`Ubūdah/Slavery: An Islāmophobe’s Favorite-Subject


This-Video literally pontificates/promotes the Same-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, as what they complain about. Ironically, the “Out-Of-Africa” Theory which This-Video dick-rides directly derives from Darwinism/Darwinian-Evolution. According to Darwinism: Afro-Peoples “evolved” from Primates, and then Other-Peoples “evolved” from Afro-Peoples. This-Video undoubtedly proves that Fake-Wokeness isn’t a “Flex”. Oh…by the way: North/West-African Nations directly participated in establishing/profiting from the Trans-Atlantic Slave-Trade…Morocco, Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Togo, Ivory Coast, Benin, Angola, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gabon, Cameroon, etc.,outlawed%20only%20in%20august%202007

The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story

Islāmophobes Worldwide always attempt to use the Subject of al-`Ubūdah/Slavery as a Tool to attack the Integrity of al-Islām. Amongst Atheists, Wannabe-Humanists, Murtads (Apostates/Ex-Muslims), etc.: These-Groups of Islāmophobes particularly use al-`Ubūdah as one amongst their Premier-Arguments to slander al-Islām. Via Reddit, I’ve taken the Liberty to engage&converse with these Types/Kinds of Islāmophobes. They all have 1-Thing in common, via their Argumentation: they all pontificate/claim that Allah is “hypocritical” (the Audacity of These-Niggas), because Allah allows Certain-Things which they deem “Immoral” while prohibiting Certain-Things which they deem “not a Big-Deal”.

As per al-`Ubūdah itself: it’s simply a Fitnah/Test, like any other Fitn/Tests. The Purpose is for Allah to challenge how Humans will behave. And, Allah has the Sole-Entitlement/Justification to test/challenge Their Creation, any Way which They will. So, as per being the Creation-Of-Allah, Created-Things/Beings don’t have the Right to question/challenge how/why Allah chooses to challenge/test Their Creation.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.67, V.2)


Just Googled “Sub Saharan Slave Trade” and its a lot to unpack..🕋☪️ #islam #islamic #blacklivesmatter #religion #mohammad

♬ Solitude (Felsmann + Tiley Reinterpretation) – M83

My Response to their Islāmophobic-Kalām/Rhetoric:

Allah decides what’s Moral vs. Immoral. Morality is exclusively predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Whatever Allah decides is acceptable, then that’s Morality & whatever Allah decides is unacceptable, then that’s Immorality. It’s really that simple. I mean, by default, the Muslim is the Slave of Allah via once’s Compliance with al-Islām…al-Islām literally means “Voluntary-Servitude” by the way. (Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

Now, contrary to Popular Islāmophobic-Opinion: al-Islām doesn’t allow Enslavement & there’s an Important-Difference between Slavery & Enslavement. Enslavement is making someone who’s already a Free-Person into a Slave-Person. Enslavement is what’s Islāmically-Prohibited. And, there’s Countless-Incentives for Slave-Masters to treat one’s Slaves respectfully & even free one’s Slaves, such as: Forgiveness of Sins, Decreased-Accountability/Punishment via the Hereafter, etc. (al-Bukhārī, Muslim, ibn-Mājah, Ahmad)

By the way…since we’re talking about it: what does Morality/Immorality actually mean?!!!

a. Morality- late 14c., moralite, “moral qualities, virtuous conduct or thought,” from Old French moralite (Modern French moralité) “moral (of a story); moral instruction; morals, moral character” (13c.) and directly from Late Latin moralitatem (nominative moralitas) “manner, character,” from Latin moralis “of manners or morals; moral” (see moral (adj.)). Meaning “doctrine or system of ethical duties” is from mid-15c. Meaning “goodness, characteristic of being moral, virtuousness” is attested from 1590s.

b. Immorality- 1560s, from assimilated form of in- (1) “not, opposite of” + morality.

(Courtesy of

It’s actually quite ironic, that Persons whom posture These-Kinds/Types of Arguments regarding Morality vs. Immorality are themselves quite Amoral. They’ve 0 Moral-Compass which they operate from, because Persons like them utterly reject the Reality that only at-Tanzīl/Revelation determines Morality vs. Immorality. In All-Truthfulness/Honesty: Morality by default is exclusively a Religio-Concept. And to attempt to decipher Moral vs. Immorality via Non-Religio/Secular Standards of Right vs. Wrong is 💯%-Inaccurate/Dishonest.

These Same-Persons, who’ve got so much to say regarding al-`Ubūdah, literally are silent when it comes to Issues such as: Financial-Slavery via Credit-Card/Loan Debt…Interest-Debt…etc., Sexual-Slavery via the Sex/Porn-Industry, Socio-Political Slavery via Communism…Republicanism…Democracy…Monarchy, Crime-Slavery via the “War-On-Drugs”…etc., the Prison Industrial-Complex…Military-Slavery via Imperialism, the “War-On-Terror”, etc.

For More-Info. concerning Revelatory-Texts about Slavery in al-Islām:

Gareth Bryant

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  1. Pingback: Slavery-Misconceptions manipulated to inflate Fake-Wokeness amongst Muslims | Gareth Bryant

  2. Pingback: Debunking the “Without Lies Islām dies” Mythos | Gareth Bryant

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