The Hidden X-Factor of al-Liwāt/Homosexuality


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

This-Video via YouTube details a Challenge to Homosexuals pertaining to the Impossibility to possess 5-Things. One of those Things were a Positive-Relationship with one’s Father/Male-Parent. The Reactions to the 2nd-Thing which basically none of those in the Video were capable of affirming/confirming were clearly obvious. Also, I’ve literally witnessed the Reality of this via my Profession as a Chaplain & even in my Personal-Life: almost every single Person whom I know (Relatives included) whom ended-up being Homosexuals had Negative/Toxic-Relationships with their Bio-Fathers and/or 0-Relationships with their Bio-Fathers. Also, the same rings true as per those whom I’ve provided Counseling/Therapy to, regarding Sexual-Identity Crisis and/or al-Liwāt/Homosexuality. And, more often than not: it’s not like the Bio-Fathers didn’t want to be in the Lives of their Bio-Children…as I always tell People: Just because the Father wasn’t present doesn’t mean they wanted to be absent. It’s not always the Blame/Fault of the Father, as per how/why they’re absent. There’s Countless-Women (along with Court-Systems, their Relatives, Loved-Ones, Friends, etc.) whom’re literally the Human-Reasons how/why their Children didn’t have their Bio-Fathers.

Furthermore, 98% of Persons whom I’ve counseled as per Sexual-Identity Crisis and/or al-Liwāt were Victims/Survivors of al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse at least once via their Lifetimes. And, 98% of Persons whom I’ve counseled pertaining to Suicide have been Victims/Survivors of al-Ightisāb, at least once via their Lifetimes. However, as to be expected: Persons whom’re Pro-Homo won’t take kindly to these Kinds/Types of Facts, because it completely debunks their “Born This-Way” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. It compromises the Pro-Homo Agenda to recognize/accept this as Truth/Honesty. To add to this: there’s been Confirmed-Reports via the Personal-Testimonies of Sexual-Abusers whom specifically target Children via Child-Molestation…they readily admit that their Main Targets-Of-Interests are Women whom’re Single-Mothers/Single Female-Parents whose Fathers of their Children aren’t present via the Lives of their Children.

These-Videos are very introspective & necessary to watch, pertaining to Boots on the Ground Realities as per how/why the Proliferation of al-Liwāt is what it is. Lack of Fatherhood/Male-Parenthood is an Undeniable-Piece to the Puzzle of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture spreading as it does. The Socio-Politically Engineered War against Patriarchy/Masculinity has been given a Greenlight to thrive via Feminism. This “Toxic-Masculinity” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative is very destructive. And, it’s very Pharaonic/Draconian…just as Allah states about the Oppression of Fir`awn/Pharaoh against Banī-Isrā’īl/the Children-Of-Israel: destroy the Men but spare the Women.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.7, V.141)

It’s abundantly obvious, the Correlations&Connections. Yet, unfortunately, anyone whom expresses the Reality of these are subjected to Unjust-Ridicule/Ostracization, Unjust-Alienation, etc. only because they refuse to abide by this Agenda-Driven Trend. As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Trend-Follower”.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

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