When Harming Children becomes Entertainment


Courtesy of Instagram: @thehypecollecter

This is literally one of the most Detestible-Things which I’ve ever seen. And, the Fact that there’s Persons who’d dare to subject Children to this & deem it entertainng is actually worse than the Act itself. Literally, if the Child via This-Video wasn’t seriously injured then it’s truly a Karramah (Non-Revelatory Miracle) from Allah. I mean, just hearing the Sound of That-Child hitting the Ceiling…how/why would any Grown-Up actually think/feel that catapulting a Child (seemingly a Todler) within the 4-Walls of a House, Apartment, etc. Realistically, to even do this Outdoors defies Basic-Intelligence. Yet, as I always tell People: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

It’s Crystal-Clear that they cared nothing about/for the Wellbeng of This-Child. And, based upon That-Fact: not only are These-Persons comletely undeserving of fathering/mothering any Human-Being, but as well: all of These-Persons should’ve been arrested, prosecuted, etc. The Person whom actually did the Act…the Person whom recorded the Act, as opposed to preventng it from taking place…all the Other-Onlookers…etc.: they’re all equally responsble what occured.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

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