Dissecting & Disproving the Kalām/Rhetoric of al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism

Fake-Wokeness via Qur’ānism Author’s-Note: This, sadly, is becoming a more Popular-Phenomenon: Persons ponfiticating/claiming that al-Qur’ān/The Qur’ān is the Only-Text necessary for one to be a Muslim & to function properly Islāmically. This Pathological-Madhab/Religio-Posture, which has evolved into a Hizb/Religio-Sectarian Grouping, known as al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism. This Hizb deems to encourage Muslims to abandon the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition, not only … Continue reading Dissecting & Disproving the Kalām/Rhetoric of al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism